Moving from the group to the team for greater organisational effectiveness

Initial situation

The Secretariat of an international federation feels blocked by unclear tasks and responsibilities and latent conflicts. Its performance as a service provider to its member organisations around the world is suffering and some of its staff are unhappy or about to leave the organisation.

How it happened

Inspired by the appreciative inquiry approach, Strategos accompanied the organisation in order to, first of all, highlight the driving forces, the existing positive strategies and what was problematic. Then, on the basis of a participatory process, a work plan for strengthening organisational effectiveness was developed. Finally, the leadership, cohesion and esprit de corps of the management team was strengthened through coaching by the General Secretary and team building activities for the management staff.


The support provided by Strategos has made it possible to highlight some dysfunctions in the Federation’s governance and operations, and to propose corrective measures. In addition, the staff of the Secretariat together developed rules of conduct and a work plan, including the following Indicators of success, in order to strengthen organisational efficiency. The General Secretary came out of the process with a stronger stance and a more unified leadership team. A few months later, the Secretariat team feels ready and confident for the quadrennial meeting of its World Council.