Creating value by providing independent, responsive and competent advice and expertise
We work with our clients in a collaborative and agile manner in a spirit of transparency and mutual trust. We work with our clients in a collaborative and agile manner in a spirit of transparency and mutual trust. The aim is to enable and even encourage our customers to give us feedback easily. Thanks to our genuine listening skills and expertise, we are pleased to see that our recommendations lead to concrete actions for our clients.
Here is a selection of references presented with the agreement of our clients, according to our four main services.
Parliamentary Control of the Administration
Parliament's services
Completion of eight case studies on extra-parliamentary advisory committees and drafting of a summary report to complement the evaluation carried out by the Parliamentary Control of Administration for the parliamentary management committees (CdG-E report).
Maison d'Ailleurs Foundation
Museum and specialised research centre
Organisational audit including governance, HR, finance and operational management processes. Formulation of 30 findings accompanied by concrete recommendations for each area to re-establish trust with the Municipality and to restore a serene, efficient and effective working climate. Participation in the presentation of the public audit.
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
DIvision Institutes for Higher Education
Summative evaluation at the end of 2020 SERI project-related contributions according to the HEdA for the Special programme in human medicine, the strategy against the shortage of qualified personnel in the health professions, the biocatalysis innovation space and the design and implementation of a Swiss centre for barrier-free communication in partnership with econcept.
Swiss Innovation Promotion Agency
Holistic analysis with the aim of identifying the impact and relevance of Innosuisse’s initial training programme and supporting its management’s decision to develop a complementary, needs-oriented, future-oriented and impact-oriented offer, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity and in synergy with the existing offers in partnership with econcept and AIT.
Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
Implementation and support of a participatory process involving both teachers and students in order to define the principles of teaching and ways of organising studies at HEIG-VD from 2022 to 2030 and to adapt the teaching method to the evolution of society, in particular to the needs of companies and to those of the new generations, within the framework given by the HES-SO.
Ville de Lausanne
Direction de l'Unité commune ORP-CSR
Support to clarify and adjust the common mission and the different levels of roles and responsibilities in the organisation. Participatory approach carried out with the direct management of the Common Unit and framed by a steering group (UC Management Committee). The approach resulted in recommendations shared by the 4 hierarchical levels involved in the process.
Région Morges
Inter-municipal association
Support for the process of redefining missions. First phase of diagnosis followed by participative work accompanied by a WG from the Political Steering Group and the Technical Bureau to define the common ambition, the missions, the competences and the organisation. Mandate completed by new statutes unanimously validated by all the representatives of the municipalities of the 10 communes.
Association Afiro Entreprise sociale et formatrice
Support and review of the internal organisation in order to improve the transversality and coherence of work and to adapt the organisation to its development.
Analysis and audit of the functioning of the Finance, HR and General Administration division in order to understand the causes of recurrent problems and proposal of ways of improvement with tailor-made solutions and an action plan for implementation.
Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
Development of a private sector fundraising strategy in a participatory process, including context analysis, donor segment analysis, prospect identification, strategy drafting and recommendations regarding deployment within the organization.
Centre vaudois d'aide à la jeunesse - CVAJ
Bureau of the Committee
Accompanying the Association’s Committee to carry out an assessment of its functioning and to clarify the governance and decision-making processes concerning it.
Work carried out with the help of a working group from the Bureau, including the Director General. New governance finalised by the whole Committee.
Français en jeu
Support for the definition of the strategy for 2022-2026. Carrying it out with the help of a working group integrating different points of view and coming from all levels and hierarchical functions (Committee member, Director, Pole Manager, Course Manager, Staff member and Volunteer)
Research, International Relations and Continuing Education Department
University of Lausanne
Evaluation of the relevance of the creation of a research support service at the University of Lausanne, with proposals for renewed missions and organisational structures that were developed in a participatory process.
Following the mandate, a new research support service was set up.
Peace and Human Rights Division
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
Evaluation of the role and impact of the partnership with the Geneva Academy (established in 2007 by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and theUniversity of Geneva), in terms of relevance, results and impact, particularly in terms of its contribution to Switzerland’s foreign policy activities in the field of human rights.
Fondation pour l’Aide à la Recherche sur la Sclérose en Plaques
Evaluation every four years since 2004, mainly concerning the measurement of the impact of research support programmes, the analysis of the portfolio from a positioning perspective, and the preparation of communication tools to enhance the value of the foundation’s action in terms of results and participation in the debate between Science and the City. Latest evaluation report.
Fondation Leenaards
Supports changes in the cultural, age & society and scientific fields
Evaluation of biomedical scientific research projects supported over the past 20 years through prizes and scholarships awarded to researchers from the university hospital institutions of Lausanne and Geneva.
Presentation of the results in terms of portfolio analysis, results achieved and impact at the anniversary ceremony on 27 March 2019.
Event website.
Swiss Space Office
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
Evaluation with the aim of taking stock of the Swiss Space Center’s mandate and missions, analysing its challenges and formulating recommendations with corresponding success indicators (evaluation report).
The services were then redefined and transferred in 2022 to theSpace Exchange Switzerland (SXS).
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
Participation in the process (including several dedicated management meetings) and drafting of a document on SDC’s long-term vision.
Comparative study of the narrative of six countries in terms of international cooperation for an internal note to the head of department.