Participatory and learning evaluations

to value success and imagine the future

Do you need to conduct an evaluation to check that the grants you received have achieved the goals you set?
Would you like to invest in a learning and participatory approach to prepare for future decisions?

We provide you with structured and learning support in order to think about the future together.

An evaluation will allow you:

A proven and agile approach for a successful evaluation

An evaluation is generally conducted in four stages:

Stage 1


Kick-off session with the principal and governance of the entity being evaluated

Deliverables: inception report with evaluative questions, methodology, project plan, data sources

Stage 2


Information gathering (interviews, focus groups, observations, secondary sources), analysesand syntheses

Deliverables: answers to evaluative questions and first learnings

Stage 3


Creative, structured and interactive workshopwith the principal, agent and external stakeholders

Deliverables: goals, characteristics and future functionalities of the entity or programme, implementation scenarios

Stage 4


Closing session to discuss learnings, conclusions, scenarios and recommendations.

Deliverables: final report presenting the different points of view, with traceability from the evaluation questions to the recommendations.

This project on the evaluation of a partnership for a federal department will give you a better understanding of our approach.

Recent evaluations

Parliamentary Control of the Administration

Parliament's services

Completion of eight case studies on extra-parliamentary advisory committees and drafting of a summary report to complement the evaluation carried out by the Parliamentary Control of Administration for the parliamentary management committees (CdG-E report).


State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI

DIvision Institutes for Higher Education

Summative evaluation at the end of 2020 SERI project-related contributions according to the HEdA for the Special programme in human medicine, the strategy against the shortage of qualified personnel in the health professions, the biocatalysis innovation space and the design and implementation of a Swiss centre for barrier-free communication in partnership with econcept.



Swiss Innovation Promotion Agency

Holistic analysis with the aim of identifying the impact and relevance of Innosuisse’s initial training programme and supporting its management’s decision to develop a complementary, needs-oriented, future-oriented and impact-oriented offer, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity and in synergy with the existing offers in partnership with econcept and AIT.


Research, International Relations and Continuing Education Department

University of Lausanne

Evaluation of the relevance of the creation of a research support service at the University of Lausanne, with proposals for renewed missions and organisational structures that were developed in a participatory process.
Following the mandate, a new research support service was set up.


Peace and Human Rights Division

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

Evaluation of the role and impact of the partnership with the Geneva Academy (established in 2007 by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and theUniversity of Geneva), in terms of relevance, results and impact, particularly in terms of its contribution to Switzerland’s foreign policy activities in the field of human rights.



Fondation pour l’Aide à la Recherche sur la Sclérose en Plaques

Evaluation every four years since 2004, mainly concerning the measurement of the impact of research support programmes, the analysis of the portfolio from a positioning perspective, and the preparation of communication tools to enhance the value of the foundation’s action in terms of results and participation in the debate between Science and the City. Latest evaluation report.

2020, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004

Fondation Leenaards

Supports changes in the cultural, age & society and scientific fields

Evaluation of biomedical scientific research projects supported over the past 20 years through prizes and scholarships awarded to researchers from the university hospital institutions of Lausanne and Geneva.
Presentation of the results in terms of portfolio analysis, results achieved and impact at the anniversary ceremony on 27 March 2019.
Event website.


Swiss Space Office

State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI

Evaluation with the aim of taking stock of the Swiss Space Center’s mandate and missions, analysing its challenges and formulating recommendations with corresponding success indicators (evaluation report).
The services were then redefined and transferred in 2022 to theSpace Exchange Switzerland (SXS).


We are experts in evaluation and collective intelligence

We are a collective of consultants united within Strategos SA, a consulting firm in strategy, organisational transformation, evaluation and capacity building.

Based in Lausanne, we help institutions and companies to develop and innovate through pragmatic and daring approaches. We act out of conviction in the respect of people for the needs of the organization and society.

Our evaluation experts:

Do you want to commission a learning and participatory evaluation in line with current standards?

Let's start a conversation!